Membership Application Form Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Phone Number Company name Address of the company headquarters Company’s DUNS number CA Secretary of State Corporate Number Address of the San Diego County presence (if different from the company headquarters) Number and type of staff of the San Diego presence What is the nature of the operations for the San Diego presence in general and as it relates to the UAS industry? Provide the names of two executive officers of the applicant company having authority to enter the company into contractual agreements who will be designated as representatives. Please attach CV(s) and provide LinkedIn URLs Describe the company’s key strengths as they relate to the UAS industry. List NAICS codes if applicable. Describe your company’s vision for engaging with consortium members on UAS projects If the company is foreign-owned, what percent and by what foreign entity? Please provide evidence of an approved plan for negating or mitigating the risk of foreign ownership, control or influence from the Defense Security Service (DSS) List corporate affiliations, accreditations, and designations; i.e., SDVOSB, 8(a), AUVSI, AMA, AS 9100, etc. [recaptcha]